Feb 28, 2024
What do current college students studying product design and entrepreneurship see as to their future lifespans, healthspans, and workspans? Is it really that crazy to think that living to 100 years old and being healthy through it is a realistic probability for society’s youngest members? Though none of us can...
Feb 26, 2024
Have the two parties of the United States ever been further apart? Collaboration and cooperation rank low on congress’ to-do list facing another election year. Despite multiple impeachments, lawsuits, and inflammatory statements, Donald Trump remains the Republican favorite to run against Joe Biden. Much of...
Feb 23, 2024
Is there any factor more important to evolution than forward-looking collaboration? Whether it’s family, society, business, or politics, leaders are needed to bring people together and inspire them to work towards a single goal. However, there is one major drawback to mass collaboration – and it hurts those...
Feb 21, 2024
It doesn’t matter if you work for a boutique company or the biggest, most well-known global organization, when the numbers don’t add up, the unfortunate answer could be embezzlement. Over in New Jersey, John Dunlea and his wife Nicole Alexander were charged with embezzling more than $1.5M from the McElroy, Deutsch,...
Feb 7, 2024
The GOP are narrowing in on this year’s presidential candidate, and former President Donald Trump has been the loudest frontrunner from the beginning. As popular as Trump has been, his official nomination has yet to be finalized – and no one is sure if Trump can legitimately run. After initially denying to hear a...