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Aug 2, 2023

Whether one loves or hates ChatGPT, this much is clear: it is by far the fastest, lowest-cost (non-advertising based) way to quicky obtain information and perhaps even some “knowledge” on a given topic. As much as it feels like someone is conveying more than just information to us, it is still software pulling...

May 17, 2023

We’ve all gotten our summons in the mail before, but few of us have ever been selected for jury duty. Opposite to what Hollywood would have you believe, jury selection includes a thorough screening process to form an objective jury that both sides will present their cases to. Listen in as host Jack Russo asks Linyan...

Mar 15, 2023

Causation and liability can play an inexact role when a crime occurs, and that gray area only gets grayer when a crime starts online. Law students will recognize the but-for test plays a large part of criminal law where they will argue if a crime would not have occurred but for the existence of a specific cause....

Feb 3, 2023

The extent that the First Amendment covers is being discussed once again. Over at the US Patent and Trademark Office a man tried to trademark the phrase “Trump Too Small” after having it printed on t-shirts. The man was denied his trademark due to the PTO’s policy of not registering a trademark without consent...

Dec 21, 2022

You don’t have to be a whiskey drinker to know about Jack Daniels. The name, the bottle, the label – everything about it is well known not just in America, but across the world. Now you would think a distillery that’s been in business for nearly 150 years would have dealt with just about every lawsuit there is to...