Aug 30, 2023
For the average person, tax season officially runs from February 15th to April 15th, but for tax professionals the planning starts mid-November and doesn’t end until New Years Eve. The high-end taxpayer has need of a CPA who knows how to use the more sophisticated financial tools and is willing to take on the...
Aug 23, 2023
Transferred mens rea, or transferred criminal intent, is the intent to harm a specific individual, but accidentally harming a different individual instead. When Mitchell Zimmerman took on a pro bono client in a death penalty case, he never intended to write a novel as a coping mechanism to help him deal with the...
Aug 16, 2023
Any law professor will tell you the best way to win a case is to learn the law and apply them to the facts. It’s simple, but this straightforward approach has led Myron Moskovitz to years of success in the court room. Of course, no lawyer is bulletproof. Convoluted opinions and poor reasoning were the leading causes...
Aug 9, 2023
To what degree will artificial intelligence accelerate the merging of legal and financial services? There is already a lot of overlap between the two given the nature of the industries and both being highly regulated by the government. Overseas there is already news of CPA firms hiring more lawyers and creating law...
Aug 2, 2023
Whether one loves or hates ChatGPT, this much is clear: it is by far the fastest, lowest-cost (non-advertising based) way to quicky obtain information and perhaps even some “knowledge” on a given topic. As much as it feels like someone is conveying more than just information to us, it is still software pulling...