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Mar 27, 2020

No matter what you’re passionate about, Silicon Valley is the place to make things happen. George Sokoloff, who runs a systematic hedge fund in Palo Alto, uses modern advancements of machine learning and applies them to finance – it’s a little thing known as quantitative finance. It’s not just about returns;...

Mar 23, 2020

Dare to beyond 100? In the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, health and hygiene are storming the headlines like never before. Lifestyle choices and lifelong health literacy are key components to having a health span that matches your lifespan. With any luck, todays podcast with Dr. Walter Bortz will put medical...

Mar 20, 2020

Very few entrepreneurs think of growing a business in a practical way. Oftentimes, it’s one person or a small group of friends with nothing more than an idea, the drive to see it come to fruition and not much else when that idea becomes a reality. Luckily for us, Dr. Philippe Bouissou has taken his knowledge of steady...

Mar 16, 2020

Chris Broaddus is basically a magician. While many entrepreneurs spend a majority of their time dealing with financing, legal issues and more before getting their product to the market, Chris looks like he has gotten Moss AI to market before doing all these things - take note investors! Generally speaking, VR and AR...

Mar 2, 2020

Adventure is out there if you’re willing to accept it. Crystal Callahan may sound crazy to some when she swears that everything good in her life has come from Craigslist, but it’s a hard fact to deny when you look at the things it has brought her. Years after giving her a foundation to spring from, Jack reunites...