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Jul 14, 2023

The process of creative destruction has largely been accepted in the economic field. Weaker competitors are “cleaned out” in bear markets leaving the strongest to survive with the freedom to evolve in an environment concentrated with skilled workers. One thing that had never really changed until now was the standard face-to-face meeting before client and company agreed to do business together. Establishing trust on a personal level has felt less necessary for consumers as processes became more streamlined, but for Twitter, maybe that trust building component was more important than they thought. Elon Musk is suing Twitters’ legal firm, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, arguing that the company was taken advantage of with unethical hourly and success fees prior to its sale to him. Today host Jack Russo and Joe Cucchiara discuss how money is changing the culture of Silicon Valley.


Click here to read more about Elon Musk's lawsuit against Twitter's lawyers: